Mountain Zen Den ~ Episode 80 – Meditating For Energy

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” ~ Ben Franklin

Do you find yourself too tired to enjoy life, read to the kids at night, stay awake during your favorite movie, or even be able to think clearly or keep up with your simple, ordinary everyday tasks?

Then it’s time to meditate.

Every day you and I are faced with so many energy drains that just tend to suck the ever-lovin’ life out of us, leaving us feel weak and drained – unhealthy relationships, deadlines, traffic, health concerns, budgets and financial worries, and the list goes on. 

While much of this is a normal part of everyday life, there are areas where, through taking  initiative and responsibility to affect positive change, we can avoid some of these energy drains altogether.

And then there are those other challenges that we just have to deal with, and this takes reserves of energy we may feel we simply don’t have at the moment.

This is where time spent relaxing, or exercising in nature, combined with meditation, can have a wondrous affect!  The more we spend time in nature meditating, the more we become aware of the energy that surrounds us.

It is a known fact that time spent meditating and connecting with your “Energy Center” deep within can help bolster your energy levels.  This all begins with awareness.  Aware of how you are feeling, thinking and behaving.  This energy, sometimes referred to as Qi, Prana, or Kundalini, is our God-given life force that lives  and moves throughout our physical body.

When we meditate, we begin to become aware of and cultivate this natural life force and boost our energy from the inside out and even increase our over-all health.  We are building up our nervous system stamina, so that we are not so reactive to circumstances and events happening around, these things that are so apt to drain our energy if we allow them.

A word of advice here though.  Proper exercise and diet are a mandatory place to start.  Also, if you find yourself falling asleep as a normal part of your meditation practice, you need to get more sleep!

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, there are many things involving nature you can do that will help, such as opening a window for fresh, cool air, going for at least a 20 minute walk outside, or listening to relaxing nature sounds on YouTube, iTunes or Spotify, etc.  But that’s a subject for another episode.

Today, we are going to assume that you have caught up with your sleep, at least long enough to do this meditation.  If not, hit pause, go take a nap, and come back and start from here… I’m serious!  We won’t go anywhere without you, I promise… Or…you can lay down and listen and fall asleep to this show.  That’s cool too!

Now…let’s meditate!

MZD – Episode 80 Meditating For Energy

Photos by Brett Wilson

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